Ombuds Services
Ombuds services – what the Ombuds does:
Listen | Sometimes people just need an ear to bend. |
Assistance | Develop options for action and choosing among them |
Coaching | Help in preparing for challenging interactions or conversations. |
Conflict Guidance | Help in developing and implementing strategies in conflicts. |
Referrals | Getting direction on where to go for specific aid or information. |
Sorting out the pieces | Help determine what issues are important and why. |
Reframing | Look at options in alternative ways or through the eyes of others. |
Mediate/Facilitate | Actively working with multiple people to develop solutions. |
Identify and track | Recurring patterns and issues of concern about university rules and (without breaching confidentiality) generate recommendations for addressing them. |
Non-Ombuds services – what the Ombuds does not do:
Does not offer legal counsel - or serve as a legal advocate or representative. |
Does not offer psychological counseling or therapy. |
Does not advocate for individuals or causes. |
Does not create binding or legal contracts among people. |
Does not serve as a location to file an official complaint or to give notice. |
Does not administer, create, implement, or enforce policy. |